Updating to new releases

Update your Scandi app to the latest version

Before you start, make sure your project is backed up, ideally in a version control system such as Git. You also need to check that the Magento and Scandi versions you are updating to are compatible with each other.

Update Create ScandiPWA App

Sometimes, we release new features of our toolchain, like a new way to write plugins, or some patches to support newer OS versions. To upgrade the toolhain, use this guide:

Update in ScandiPWA Storefront mode

To upgrade the ScandiPWA in Storefront mode, you must upgrade the theme and the remote server composer.json. To learn how to do it, follow the guide:

Update in ScandiPWA Magento theme mode

Upgrade ScandiPWA which is installed as a Magento 2 theme.

Update in ScandiPWA Storefront mode

Upgrade ScandiPWA which is installed as a Storefront, upgrade it's dependencies on remote Magento 2 server.

Last updated